Category Archives: Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force

Update from Chair

We are working on finalizing the Task Force’s report and are also transitioning content from this blog to a webpage within the Mayor’s Office section of the revamped Town website: 

The report will probably be released in late September and we will be making presentations to local governments during the fall of 2009 – including the Chapel Hill Town Council in October. I will try to post to this blog as developments occur. There will be some follow-up activities coming out of Task Force work that we hope citizens will step up and help with…

Agenda 10 June 09



June 10, 2009

4:00-6:00 p.m.

Conference room – Town Operations Center, Bdg #1

4:00 p.m. Welcome/Introductions

4:05 p.m. Approve May 13th meeting notes

4:10 p.m. Discussion

+ Report
+ Follow-on activities/Task Force member involvement

6:00 p.m. Adjourn

Minutes 13 May 09

Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force
Meeting Summary
May 13, 2009

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Rick Allen, Kate Barrett, David Chapman, Linda Foxworth, Gwen Harvey, Trish Hussey, Thava Mahadevan, Tom Reid, Anna Scheyett, Mark Sullivan, Michelle Turner, Judy Truitt
Task Force Members Absent: John Gilmore, Clay Whitehead.
Staff Members Present: Naveed Hassan.
Members of the Public Present: Cim Brailer, Bebe Smith.

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes
The Task Force approved the minutes of the previous meeting without corrections.

Where We Are
Natalie Ammarell reported on her meeting with Mayor Foy in April. He is very supportive of our work. We will be able to convert our blog site to some pages within the Mayor’s section of a newly revamped Town website. In the early fall, the Mayor would like the Task Force to consider making presentations to the Town Council, Orange County Commissioners and Carrboro Aldermen, as well as the Metropolitan Coalition of Municipalities. He agreed with the Task Force’s emphasis on “local action” that can be taken without the need for infusions of funds.

Task Force members reviewed and discussed a set of visual depictions of the mental health system that the “Defining the Box” work group has put together. Suggestions were made for modifications.

Task Force members talked briefly about the “Action Items” matrix that summarizes areas for potential recommendations for action in the final report. All agreed that we need to avoid “biting off too much” and to focus on making connections, disseminating information, community- and awareness-building around mental health issues and encouraging local governments to exercise stronger leadership in this arena.

Small Group Work
The Task Force broke into four small groups to work on various tasks that will help shape our final report and recommendations.

Next Steps
Small groups reported briefly on their work. It was agreed that several work group meetings will be necessary prior to the next Task Force meeting, which will be our last “formal” meeting. However, work will continue over the summer as we hone our report/recommendations and develop vehicles for communicating our messages to local government officials and the public.

Meeting Schedule

Next Task Force Meeting
 June 10, 2009 – 4:00-6:00 p.m. – Town Operations Center

Quick Report 14 May 09

DATE: May 14, 2009

TO: Town Council
FROM: Natalie Ammarell, Task Force Chair

Carlo Robustelli, Mayoral Aid

Naveed Hassan, Mayoral Intern

SUBJECT: Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force Meeting, Town Operations Center, 1st floor Conference Room Public Works, 6850 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-8175

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Rick Allen, Kate Barrett, David Chapman, Linda Foxworth, Gwen Harvey, Trish Hussey, Thava Mahadevan, Tom Reid, Anna Scheyett, Mark Sullivan, Michelle Turner, Judy Truitt

Task Force Members Absent: John Gilmore, Clay Whitehead.

Staff Members Present: Naveed Hassan.

Members of the Public Present: Cim Brailer, Bebe Smith.

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes
The Task Force approved the minutes of the previous meeting without corrections.

Where We Are
Natalie Ammarell reported on her meeting with Mayor Foy in April. He is very supportive of our work. We will be able to convert our blog site to some pages within the Mayor’s section of a newly revamped Town website. In the early fall, the Mayor would like the Task Force to consider making presentations to the Town Council, Orange County Commissioners and Carrboro Aldermen, as well as the Metropolitan Coalition of Municipalities. He agreed with the Task Force’s emphasis on “local action” that can be taken without the need for infusions of funds.

Task Force members reviewed and discussed a set of visual depictions of the mental health system that the “Defining the Box” work group has put together. Suggestions were made for modifications.

Task Force members talked briefly about the “Action Items” matrix that summarizes areas for potential recommendations for action in the final report. All agreed that we need to avoid “biting off too much” and to focus on making connections, disseminating information, community- and awareness-building around mental health issues and encouraging local governments to exercise stronger leadership in this arena.

Small Group Work
The Task Force broke into four small groups to work on various tasks that will help shape our final report and recommendations.

Next Steps
Small groups reported briefly on their work. It was agreed that several work group meetings will be necessary prior to the next Task Force meeting, which will be our last “formal” meeting. However, work will continue over the summer as we hone our report/recommendations and develop vehicles for communicating our messages to local government officials and the public.

Meeting Schedule – Next Task Force Meeting
 June 10, 2009 – 4:00-6:00 p.m. – Location to be determined.

Minutes 08 April 09

Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force

Meeting Summary

April 8, 2009

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Kate Barrett, David Chapman, Gwen Harvey, Trish Hussey, Anna Scheyett, Michelle Turner, Judy Truitt, Clay Whitehead

Task Force Members Absent: Rick Allen, Linda Foxworth, John Gilmore, Thava Mahadevan, Tom Reid, Mark Sullivan.

Staff Members Present: Andrew Pham

Members of the Public Present: Cim Brailer, Commissioner Bernadette Pelissier, Tom Tillett , Caroline Ginley, Marie Lamoureaux, Donna K. Smith.


* Welcome/Introductions
* Approve March 11 Minutes
* Presentation by Community Resource Court Staff
* Small Group Discussions
* “Defining the Box” diagrams
* Next Meeting Plans

Natalie Ammarell called the meeting to order at 4:10 PM on April 8, 2009 in the Conference Room at the Town Operations Center.

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes

The Task Force approved the minutes of the previous meeting without corrections.

Presentation by Community Resource Court Staff Members

Caroline Ginley and Marie Lamoureaux gave a presentation regarding Judge Joe Buckner’s Community Resource Court. They discussed the history of the court, the disposition of cases, funding sources, and their association with the OPC Area Program. The Task Force received a packet of information, statistics, a flow chart, and a brochure about the Community Resource Court. The Task Force had the opportunity to ask questions of the staff members.

Small Group Work on Priority Matrix

The Task Force broke into three small groups in order to identify 5-7 actionable items of the 31 listed in the priority matrix. The groups focused on items that the Task Force could effect change upon and are of high priority to the surrounding community. Ammarell will compile the results and share them with the group.

“Defining the Box” Working Group Diagram

Ammarell and Turner presented two diagrams to illustrate for the Task Force how the “Defining the Box” group is approaching its work. The goal is to develop a visual image of the mental health service system for various age groups. Ammarell said she will send the diagrams out to the Task Force for further comments in the next week. Ammarell encouraged anyone interested to attend the next meeting of the working group.

Schedule for the Next Meetings

Next Task Force Meeting

* May 13, 2009 – 3:00-6:00 p.m. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room (note that meeting will be three hours.

Next work group on “Defining the Box”: April 22, 2009 – 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room Small Meeting Room

Agenda 8 March 09



April 8, 2009

4:00-6:00 p.m.

Conference room – Town Operations Center, Bdg #1

4:00 p.m.      Welcome

4:10 p.m.      Approve March 11th meeting notes

4:15 p.m.      Discussion with Mental Health Court staff*

5:00 p.m.      Small group discussions – potential action items for Task Force

5:35 p.m.      Report from “Defining the Box” work group

5:55 p.m.      Next meeting date**

6:00 p.m.      Adjourn

* Judge Buckner cannot attend. I hope to be talking with him. Two of his staff MAY attend, but I don’t have final confirmation.


Minutes 11 March 09

Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force

Meeting Summary

March 11, 2009

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Rick Allen, David Chapman, Linda Foxworth, John Gilmore, Thava Mahadevan, Tom Reid, Anna Scheyett, Mark Sullivan, Michelle Turner, Judy Truitt

Task Force Members Absent: Kate Barrett, Gwen Harvey, Trish Hussey, Clay Whitehead

Staff Members Present: Andrew Pham

Members of the Public Present: Cim Brailer, Representative Verla Insko


§  Welcome

§  Approve February 11 Minutes

§  Presentations by Task Force Members

§  Discussion

ü  Debrief of Listening Sessions and Legislative Breakfast

ü  Who else do we want/need to hear from?

ü  “Action” ideas we have heard

ü  Focusing our work going forward

§  Next Meeting Date

Natalie Ammarell called the meeting to order at 4:12 PM on March 11, 2009 in the Conference Room at the Chapel Hill Public Library.

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes

The Task Force approved the minutes of the previous meeting without corrections.

Presentations by Task Force Members

Carolina Outreach: Tom Reid

§  150 staff serving about 600 families – Orange, Durham, Chatham and Asheville

§  Expanding to Community Support Team for adults (to support Independent Living Program)

§  16-21 age group – at risk of homelessness – 50 youth participate in independent living class. Operate an independent house and looking to buy another. Want to offer more substance abuse services.

§  Latino Outreach Program – 15 staff (5 P- or LCSW) serves 100. Collaborate with El Futuro and El Centro.

§  Issue: Age 18 and on Medicaid are considered children; age 18 and on IPRS dollars are considered adults.

§  OPC is largest funder for Independent Living.

§  Have linkages with Orange DSS. Durham DSS seeds the independent living program.

Orange County Mental Health Association: Mark Sullivan

§  Loose affiliation with NC MHA

§  Mission: Identify gaps and meet them through innovative approaches

§  Community Backyard program funded through a SAMSA grant

§  COMPEER addresses social isolation – supported through fundraising/charitable giving and local government

§  FAN (Family Advocacy Network) – linkages with Court, schools, OPC, DSS. Juvenile Crime Prevention funding.

§  New Pro Bono Counseling Network – volunteer professionals agree to see one client/year. Will try to fill gaps left by private insurance/Medicaid. Funded by OPC and Strowd Rose Foundation.

§  Operating budget: $425,000. “Membership” about 500 but MHA does not really function as a membership organization

Orange Person Chatham (OPC) LME: Judy Truitt

§  MH Reform-related downsizing was from a comprehensive service delivery organization to a management entity – from 245 staff and $45 million budget to 66 staff and $21 million budget.

§  OPC is the smallest multi-county LME in the state. It is not clear how many LME’s the state actually wants to end up with.

§  Alamance-Caswell and OPC have entered discussions re possible merger. This would bring LME size to 9th in state. Potential for also adding in 5-County LME.

§  Intent is to spin Community Resource Court back out into the community once it is fully stabilized.

§  Last few years, there have been dramatic cuts. About a month ago, cuts were made and an additional cut coming. Now looking at next year’s budget; we believe this year’s cuts are permanent and another 10% will be cut in 2010. Question is: Will the State manage the cuts and apply them as they see fit versus applying across programs? Also fear we will have to cut residential services (higher per capita costs).

§  Concerns (besides money): lack of vision at the State level and the poor relationship between State and local levels.


Natalie distributed a compilation of suggestions/ideas/comments received to date by the Task Force. She observed that the Listening Sessions really brought home for her the reality that the Task Force cannot do much about the issues related to MH Reform, system structure, etc. BUT, we can find some things to do locally. Can we boost Mental Health Association efforts? What advocacy issues can we add our voice to? What concrete actions can we foster locally?

Judy Truitt noted that she heard strong themes of information and awareness; Anna Scheyett said that she clearly heard the need for education around navigation of the service system. In the discussion that ensued, the un-evenness of availability of services was noted, as was the reality that the system is “acuity-based”, with many people ending up on wait lists.

After considerable discussion about the provider community and other topics, the group agreed: 1) as “homework” for the next meeting, review all the comments/suggestions and assess whether “actionable” by the Task Force and then group similar items together; and 2) once consensus has been reached on “actionable” items, the Task Force will create smaller working groups to develop recommendations/potential action steps.

Next meetings of the Task Force were set for April 8th and May 13th.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Quick Report 8 April 09

DATE:             April 9, 2009

TO:                  Town Council

FROM:             Carlo Robustelli, Mayoral Aid

Andrew Pham, Mayoral Intern

SUBJECT:       Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force Meeting, Town Operations Center, 1st floor Conference Room Public Works, 6850 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC   27516-8175

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), David Chapman, Anna Scheyett, Michelle Turner, Judy Truitt, Clay Whitehead, Trish Hussey, Kate Barrett, Gwen Harvey

Task Force Members Absent: Rick Allen, Linda Foxworth, John Gilmore, Thava Mahadevan, Tom Reid, Mark Sullivan.

Staff Members Present: Andrew Pham

Members of the Public Present: Cim Brailer, Commissioner Bernadette Pelissier, Tom Tillett , Caroline Ginley, Marie Lamoureaux, Donna K. Smith.

Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes

The Task Force approved the minutes of the previous meeting without corrections.

Presentation by Community Resource Court Staff Members

Caroline Ginley and Marie Lamoureaux gave a presentation regarding Judge Joe Buckner’s Community Resource Court. They discussed the history of the court, the disposition of cases, funding sources, and their association with the OPC Area Program. The Task Force received a packet of information, statistics, a flow chart, and a brochure about the Community Resource Court. The Task Force had the opportunity to ask questions of the staff members.

Small Group Work on Priority Matrix

The Task Force broke into three small groups in order to identify 5-7 actionable items of the 31 listed in the priority matrix. The groups focused on items that the Task Force could effect change upon and are of high priority to the surrounding community. Ammarell will compile the results and share them with the group.

“Defining the Box” Working Group Diagram

Ammarell and Turner presented two diagrams to illustrate for the Task Force how the “Defining the Box” group is approaching its work. The goal is to develop a visual image of the mental health service system for various age groups. Ammarell said she will send the diagrams out to the Task Force for further comments in the next week. Ammarell encouraged anyone interested to attend the next meeting of the working group.

Schedule for the Next Meetings

Next Task Force Meeting

§  May 13, 2009 – 3:00-6:00 p.m. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room (note that meeting will be three hours.

Next work group on “Defining the Box”: April 22, 2009 – 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room Small Meeting Room

Quick Report 3 April 09

DATE:             April 3, 2009

TO:                  Town Council

FROM:             Carlo Robustelli Mayoral Aide,

Andrew Pham Mayoral Intern

SUBJECT:       Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force “Defining the Box” Work Group Meeting, Town Operations Center, 1st floor Conference Room Public Works, 6850 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC   27516-8175

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Thava Mahadevan, Michelle Turner, Linda Foxworth

Staff Members Present: Andrew Pham

Members of the Public Present: Bebe Smith, Lisa Lackmann

Mapping the System

The group discussed making the following changes to the diagrams:

Foster Care System

UNC Health Care

Project Turn Around

Adding Self-pay and private insurance to the funding sources

Replace “Town of Chapel Hill” funding source with “Local Municipalities” and add “Foundations”

Differentiate between the age groups from a clinical and funding stand point

Possibly arrange system maps according to the consumers who have Medicaid and those that do not.

Funding Sources

The group discussed the complications in describing the funding sources for various age groups since there are a variety of eligibility requirements. It was agreed that the working group would create a written appendix to the visual aids to accurately describe the sources of funds for each group. The group listed the funding sources for the following age groups: birth-2, 3-17, and 18-21.

Goals for the Next Meeting

Ammarell suggested that the group think about what message(s) we are trying to convey by the visuals. Mahadevan was tasked with writing up the specific issues that young adults face in the system. Turner agreed to create a diagram describing the criminal justice system. Smith offered a rough draft drawing of  the UNC Healthcare system and will help “tweak” it between meetings. Ammarell asked that all members suggest ways that the Task Force can effect change in the mental health system locally.

Future Meetings:

The working group scheduled its next meeting for April 22, 2009 – 4:00PM -5:30PM. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room

Defining the Box 19 March 2009 Quick Report

DATE:             March 19, 2009

TO:                  Town Council

FROM:             Carlo Robustelli Mayoral Aide,

Andrew Pham Mayoral Intern

SUBJECT:        Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force “Defining the Box” Work Group Meeting, Town Operations Center, 1st floor Conference Room Public Works, 6850 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC   27516-8175

Task Force Members Present: Natalie Ammarell (Chair), Thava Mahadevan, Michelle Turner

Task Force Members Absent: Linda Foxworth

Staff Members Present: Andrew Pham

Members of the Public Present: Bebe Smith, Lisa Lackmann

Graphical Approach to Mapping the System

The group agreed that the graphical approach to mapping the system was an effective way to describe the system in place. The group noted that a graphical approach illustrated the complexity of the system while making it easier for a layperson to understand the structure of the mental health service system. To the best of the group’s knowledge, such a map does not yet exist in the local area.

System Mapping

The group then mapped the system for the age groups 5-17 and 18-29, including funding sources, points of entry to the system, and provider/client interactions. Natalie Ammarell will submit the draft maps to the group for comment and corrections.

Goals of System Mapping

The group identified the following as goals for mapping the system:

    • Create a packet of system maps to show the service/system navigation challenges for each age group
    • Identify the gaps in the mental health service system
    • Identify potential intervention points to address the gaps in the system

Future Meetings:

The working group scheduled its next meeting for April 3, 2009 – 8:30-10:00 A.M. – Town Operations Center 1st Floor Conference Room Small Meeting Room